Aims & Mission

About Durham


Durham School Dubai’s mission is to provide its students with a complete education; one which instils in them an aspiration for achievement, a respect for others and a ‘Confidence for Life’.

Whilst academic life is at the heart of the school, we set out to provide a host of opportunities in sport, music and drama so that every student is given a chance to explore their potential.



Durham School Dubai is committed to educating its students in the very broadest sense of the word, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century whilst retaining a sense of traditional values established both here in Dubai and over Durham School’s 600 year history.


Within a community shaped by moral integrity and kindness, Durham School Dubai aims to cultivate responsibility and ambition to ensure that every student can thrive, be happy, and make a positive mark in the world.

Three Pillars
of Durham

The three pillars of a Durham School which support this aim and shape the environment where students can learn and grow are

1. Academic Challenge

Providing students a lifelong appetite for learning.

2. Pastoral Care

Supporting students emotional, moral and spiritual strength.

3. Co-Curricular

Opportunities to enrich and develop the individual, fostering leadership, collaboration and teamwork.


We do this by nurturing and supporting our students to become

Thinkers who can understand, research, evaluate & create, both collaboratively & independently.

Individuals who are morally sound, emotionally resilient, reflective & effective communicators.

Adults who act with responsibility, humility and kindness and are ready to make a positive contribution to society.

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