Key Stage 2

Key Stage Two, is a four-year phase from Y3-6, (7-11 years old).

Primary School
Key Stage 2

Key Stage Two, is a four-year phase from Y3-6, (7-11 years old).

Curriculum Overview

Key Stage Two, is a four-year phase from Y3-6, (7-11 years old). In some curriculum areas the Key Stage 2 timetable will run parallel to the KS3 Secondary school timetable, this allows more specialist teaching in Upper KS2. The learning environments are well resourced and maintained providing the pupils with a range of multi-sensory activities. Display areas celebrate the pupil’s work across all curriculum areas.

The pupils have a dedicated play area featuring a range of facilities, as well as a playing field providing opportunities to participate in team games.

We continue our exciting thematic curriculum throughout Years 3-6. All subjects, including Science, History and Geography, are taught through themes, however, the themes become more in depth and more subject focused.
We will be following the UAE Ministry of Education Curriculum for Arabic Language, Islamic Education and Emirati Social Studies.

Wherever possible, the pupils will benefit from out of school visits and activities to support and enrich the curriculum. Specialist teachers will be leading in Art & Design, languages, Music, PE and Swimming and Computing.

Quality Education Since 1414

Convenient Location

Experienced Teachers

Excellent Facilities


Primary School Key Stage 2 Curriculum booklets

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Life at Durham

Academic ambition for all pupils underpins life at Durham with individual attention supporting all learners.

Co-Curricular Programme

Opportunities in sport, music, drama and the arts supported by an extensive co-curricular programme ensure that talent is identified and nurtured.

Notable Durham Alumni

Notable Durham Alumni

Sir Tony Blair

Former British Prime Minister. The UK’s
2nd longest serving Prime Minister.

Life at Durham

Academic ambition for all pupils underpins life at Durham with individual attention supporting all learners.

Co-Curricular Programme

Opportunities in sport, music, drama and the arts supported by an extensive co-curricular programme ensure that talent is identified and nurtured.

Notable Durham

Notable Durham Alumni

Sir Tony Blair

Former British Prime Minister. The UK’s 2nd longest serving Prime Minister.

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