Unlock the ideal learning environment for your child

Quality education is more than exam results, test scores, ticks, and crosses. Quality education extends beyond classroom walls, playgrounds and playing fields. A quality education does not end at IGCSEs, A levels, degrees, or doctorates. If not these, then what?

Simply put, a quality education is a key. It is the key that opens the door to life-long learning, it is the key that allows independent thought, the key that allows a person to embrace their strengths, talents, and individuality and importantly, harness these for altruistic, not selfish purposes.

Here at Durham, our pupils are encouraged to explore, question, think and grow. This requires the creation of a learning environment within the school firmly rooted in a strong ethos and underpinned by meaningful values and a purposeful sense of direction. This requires a concerted effort not just from the teachers, but from school owners, governors, administrators, teachers, parents, and pupils.

As a relatively new school we set out to establish a clear identity – a genuine, authentic representation of a high-quality UK independent education. This started with employing the very finest teachers followed by considerable time and effort in developing the physical infrastructure, embedding classroom practices, promoting ways of teaching that inspire and captivate and developing a positive school culture. By setting out to prioritise a supportive and engaging learning ecosystem, we believe Durham will better equip pupils for academic success and personal growth.

Academic excellence, personal growth, social confidence and competence, and a lifelong love of learning are dependent upon the creation of the right learning environment. A successful learning environment includes:

  • A commitment to a structured curriculum and teaching methods that significantly enhance the pupils’ ability to learn and retain information, furthering concentration, engagement, and motivation, resulting in better academic performance.
  • Promotion of healthy relationships, self-discipline, moral integrity, manners, respect for diversity, and a sense of belonging
  • The development of curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking to explore new ideas, ask questions, develop problem-solving skills, and take risks.
  • An environment that values diversity, promotes equity, and provides equal opportunities for all levels of intellect helping to bridge achievement gaps, and ensuring that every pupil has a chance to succeed.

By creating this environment, we aim to enhance the educational experience for our pupils, support their academic achievement, and cultivate a love for learning that will last a lifetime.

Through our commitment to differentiation, we ensure that each child’s individual strengths, interests, and learning styles are nurtured and celebrated. Durham School Dubai’s tailored approach to learning recognises that each child has their own strengths, interests, and learning styles. We are committed to creating an environment where every pupil can succeed and will gain, that most important quality, confidence for life.

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